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GeoGPX cleaner

GeoGPX cleaner is a PHP script, which purpose is editing geocaching GPX files to be suitable for TrekBuddy, especially when using geotoad.

  • It removes all unnecessary data(xml tags) resulting in 50% file reduction, which gives also 50% loading time.
  • It prefixes the name with ?=unknow, ×=multi and first letter for other types but traditional.
  • You can enable feature that adds last few logs at the bottom of LongDesc.
  • If you are using the geotoad tool for creating GPXes, you will appreciate notification of xml errors sooner than you deploy the file in Trekbuddy.

Try online conversion below or download the sources (v1.1) (with batch mode - native in linux, if needed i would make a win executable

Process your GPX file from geocaching.com:

Max size: 8MB

[CZ] Česky

Stručný přehled nakonci stránky Offilne geocaching

2 komentáře k “GeoGPX cleaner”

  1. Semik says:

    Chtel jsem vyzkouset GeoGPX cleaner, ale nejak se roznemohl z GPX failu ktery jsem mu predlozil. Jde o 2967349.gpx.

  2. Mlyeko says:

    Ahoj mam dotaz ohledne toho ze se mi nechteji nacitat nahrane soubory?? uz asi tyden :( je problem u mne nebo na webu?? diky

  3. admin says:

    Ahoj, díky za upozornění, nějak se měnila konfigurace serveru, takže teď nepovoluje nahrávání :-( Snad to dám do pondělí do pořádku. Mezi tím si můžeš stáhnout gpxcleaner do počítače jako php skript + rozbalit php-win.zip z http://www.php.net a spustit si to doma (příkazem: php geogpxcleaner.php –help ), kdyby to nešlo, tak třeba napiš na mail :)

  4. sadur says:

    After the last changes in geocaching.com and geotoad, when I run GeoGPXcleaner upon a new generated gpx file it throws an exception:

    Exception: ‘exception ‘DOMException’ with message ‘Not Found Error’ in //geogpxcleaner/geogpxcleaner.php:116
    Stack trace:
    #0 //geogpxcleaner/geogpxcleaner.php(116): DOMNode->removeChild(Object(DOMElement))

    I’ve added a try/catch to bypass the problem:

    //remove unneeded childs of
    foreach(array(’date’, ‘full_name’, ‘placed_by’, ‘owner’, ’state’, ‘country’, ‘travelbugs’) as $tag)
    if(nodebytag($cache, $tag))
    $cache->removeChild(nodebytag($cache, $tag));
    } catch( Exception $e )
    //echo “\nException: ‘$e’”;

  5. Hello, thanks for the fix, i have implemeted that in the sourcecode, so maybe it works. But the script needs to be edited a little more, i will try to do it by the end of this month. :)

  6. [...] unterstuetzt, wohl das Streitfall kann man loesen, wenn man die gpx-Datei durch den GPXCleaner (http://www.zby.cz/prg/geogpxcleaner) [...]

  7. Zdeněk says:


    nějak to neseje…

    Loading xml ‘GC29NB4.gpx’, 30535B

    Found 7 [wpts]s
    processing…PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘DOMException’ with message ‘Not Found Error’ in /home/zde/geogpxcleaner.php:116
    Stack trace:
    #0 /home/zdenek/Stažené/geogpxcleaner.php(116): DOMNode->removeChild(Object(DOMElement))
    #1 {main}
    thrown in /home/zdenek/Stažené/geogpxcleaner.php on line 116

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(c) 2008 Pavel Zbytovský — for updated microsite see www.zby.cz